Operation Flood Assist Lismore

Acrylic on Canvas

1600 x 1200


From day one of the recent catastrophic Lismore flood the Australian Defense Force was there to assist with rescue operations. The local 41st Battalion of reserve was first to respond followed by an estimated 4,000 ADF personnel deployed to help.


Along with the now famous “tinnie army” of local heroic community volunteers and the council, SES, police, firefighters in Lismore many residents were saved and peopled rescued from dire circumstances.


During the flood & the many long months of recovery after it was the ADF played vital roles in supporting the community. Humanitarian disaster assistance was high on the lists of duties per-formed; door knocking & vulnerable persons checks. Conducting reconnaissance of the community and the massive clean up. It was observed that town morale lifted by having the ADF helping the recovery effort. The communities were traumatized and needed this help after the flood.


“Operation Flood Assist Lismore” focuses attention on another aspect of the ADF’s work and that is the safe rescue of distressed animals and wildlife.


Human rescue was the paramount priority but where possible and after the human population was safe the ADF reportedly saved many animals. Farm animals, domestic pets and native animals were rescued from up trees, on rooftops and anywhere they found shelter from the waters.


Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” This is the sentiment I wished to convey with my painting and to express my gratitude to ADF for their humanitarian work.